Book Reviews

"In STUMP!, Larry Allen Lindsey beautifully recounts the late Lee Kelley's powerful World war II stories. STUMP! is a moving tribute to our "greatest generation'."
Bill Bradley
Former US Senator
"Lindsey pens a riveting and emotive tale of a teenage boy who joins the Navy following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and becomes a Navy underwater demolitions diver, clearing the water of hazards before amphibious assaults. It's a rare opportunity to observe the genesis of today's Naval Special Warfare."
Ron McManus
Award winning author of LIBIDO'S TWIST and THE DRONE ENIGMA
"A remarkable job! Lindsey's terrific writing provides incredibly distinct visuals. Lee "Stump" Kelley was definitely an amazing guy."
Jim Curry
Lieutenant Colonel, USMC (Ret)
"STUMP! has all the ingredients of a World War II novel: action, gritty combat details, salty language and heroes left and right. The story is about a man who was a Navy frogman, the precursor to today’s celebrated special operation SEALS. As a memoir it gives a very good look at a man who signed up to fight for his country and ended up being one of the unsung heroes that any war produces. The narrative begins with the protagonist reflecting on the losses of friends, then segues into his childhood and life up to enlistment, then his training… The author uses many good fiction techniques – similes, alliteration, strong verbs, imagery and fragments, tossing in a couple of unusual points of view and offering some strong imagery. The volume moves along swiftly with 89 untitled short chapters. The cover is very effective, suggesting all the key elements of the memoir."
"A record of the personal memories of World War II veterans like "Stump" Kelley preserves for us their understanding of that cataclysmic era."
Mary Doria Russell
Award winning author of A THREAD OF GRACE
"Lindsey's command of the insights, military language, and history of the war was extremely impressive. I started the book and finished it in the same day - couldn't put it down. I couldn't wait to get to the next chapter, and the next, and the next. Congratulations on a masterful book. I expected much and got more than I expected - much more. Thank you for letting me be exposed to things I didn't know, but thought I did."
Terry Watto
Commander, USN (Ret)
"STUMP! captures the real life experiences of a true American World War II hero - Lee Kelley, Navy frogman. If you like Navy special Warfare action, STUMP! will keep you on the edge of your seat."
Jeffrey B. Crane
Commander, USN (Ret)
"An excellent read, I loved STUMP! It's a fascinating book, really well done."
Ric Bratton
Syndicated Talk Show Host, "This Week in America"
"I thoroughly enjoyed reading Stump! by Larry Allen Lindsey. Stump is a fascinating account of the World War II experiences of the late Lee Kelley. An avid swimmer, Lee Kelley joined the fight against the Japanese shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and volunteered to become a Navy frogman. I was surprised to learn the frogmen in WWII weren't equipped with oxygen tanks. They were snorkelers whose mission was to swim in close to the shore and with the use of demolitions, destroy any obstacles that the Japanese may have placed underwater to prevent the landing crafts that would be bringing in the marines from reaching shore. Author Lindsey had the wonderful opportunity to get to know Lee Kelley, and in this book I got the sense I was hearing Kelley's first hand accounts of what happened. Facing Japanese snipers on shore, sharks in the water, and handling explosives on every mission, the life expectancy of the frogmen wasn't very high. The story of one of the survivors fascinated me and will fascinate you. Read this book!"